Who was Pope Anterus?

Q: Who was Pope Anterus?

A: Pope Anterus was the nineteenth Pope, or Bishop of Rome, of the Catholic Church.

Q: How long did Pope Anterus serve as a Pope?

A: Pope Anterus served less than two months as a Pope.

Q: When did Pope Anterus die?

A: Pope Anterus died on January 3, 236 C.E.

Q: Where was Pope Anterus buried?

A: Pope Anterus was buried in the cemetery of Callistus on the Appian Way.

Q: Is Pope Anterus considered a saint?

A: Yes, Pope Anterus is considered a saint by the Catholic Church.

Q: When is Pope Anterus' feast day celebrated?

A: Pope Anterus' feast day is celebrated on January 3.

Q: How did Pope Anterus die?

A: Pope Anterus died a natural death.

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