What is the moment of inertia in physics?

Q: What is the moment of inertia in physics?

A: In physics, moment of inertia is strictly the second moment of mass with respect to distance from an axis, which characterizes an object's angular acceleration due to an applied torque.

Q: What does the polar second moment of area refer to in engineering?

A: In engineering (especially mechanical and civil), moment of inertia commonly refers to the second moment of the area. When reading polar moment of inertia take care to verify that it is referring to "polar second moment of area" and not moment of inertia. Polar second moment of area will have units of length to the fourth power (e.g. m^4 or in^4).

Q: How do you calculate a polar second moment of area?

A: The mathematical formula for direct calculation is given as a multiple integral over a shape's area, R, at a distance ρ from an arbitrary axis O. J_O=∬Rρ2dA. In the most simple form, the polar second

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