What type of dinosaur was Polacanthus?

Q: What type of dinosaur was Polacanthus?

A: Polacanthus was a plant-eating dinosaur.

Q: When did Polacanthus exist?

A: Polacanthus existed about 132 to 100 million years ago during the Lower Cretaceous.

Q: What is the meaning of the name Polacanthus?

A: The name Polacanthus means "many spines."

Q: What is the genus that some paleontologists believe Polacanthus belongs to?

A: Some paleontologists believe Polacanthus belongs to the same genus as Hylaeosaurus.

Q: Where have fossils of Polacanthus been found?

A: Fossils of Polacanthus have been found in England.

Q: What did Polacanthus look like?

A: Polacanthus was an armoured, spiked dinosaur.

Q: What family did Polacanthus belong to?

A: Polacanthus was an ankylosaurid dinosaur.

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