What is poison ivy?

Q: What is poison ivy?

A: Poison ivy is a type of vine known for causing a rash.

Q: What chemical in poison ivy causes skin irritation?

A: Urushiol is the chemical in poison ivy that causes skin irritation.

Q: Why does poison ivy produce urushiol?

A: Poison ivy produces urushiol so that animals will not eat it.

Q: What is the medical term for the rash caused by poison ivy?

A: The medical term for the rash caused by poison ivy is urushiol-induced contact dermatitis.

Q: What is the appearance of poison ivy leaves?

A: Poison ivy leaves come in threes and have a shiny appearance caused by the oil on the leaves.

Q: Where is poison ivy commonly found?

A: Poison ivy is a common weed found in eastern North America and parts of China.

Q: What are some symptoms of poison ivy rash?

A: The symptoms of poison ivy rash include itching and pain.

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