Egg incubation

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The word brood has three meanings in ornithology (much like fish and insects):

  1. The clutch (the laid eggs) of a female or pair.
  2. The hatched nestlings of a clutch.
  3. In birds, incubation (keeping the laid eggs warm until they hatch) also plays a crucial role.

In fish and in everyday speech, the second meaning dominates.

Breeding SwanZoom
Breeding Swan

Clutch and brood duration

After mating, the female lays the fertilized eggs in most species within a few days to a few weeks. In songbirds the clutch has on average five to eight eggs, but there are also bird species with only one or with over 20 eggs.

In reptiles, clutch size is comparable, but in fish the number of eggs varies considerably and can reach several hundred.

The brood-duration of most different bird-types and - types can amount to between approximately ten days and three months.

Breeding and breeding behaviour in parakeets

The collared parakeet needs about 23 days for its brood. In this period he lays about three to five eggs. Usually the female lays the eggs at intervals of about five days. Since banded parakeets are continuous brooders, the brood is incubated from the first day. The young spend the first four weeks in the nest or nest box. If they are old enough to look out at the flight hole, the cock also participates in their rearing.

This feeding is done by the hen with a lot of protein-rich food, she herself lets herself be fed by the cock. With approx. five weeks they fly out and are supported by feed addition by the alto animals.

In the budgerigar, the female lays her eggs at intervals of about two days and already broods from the first. After three weeks, the young also hatch at intervals of two days. The feeding is done by the hen. The young spend the first four weeks in the nest or nest box. Also at about five weeks the young fly out. You should wait about two weeks before giving up the young, as they are still being fed. - 2020 / 2023 - License CC3