Where is Pittsburg located?

Q: Where is Pittsburg located?

A: Pittsburg is located in Crawford County, Kansas, United States.

Q: Which state is Pittsburg located near?

A: Pittsburg is located near the Missouri state border.

Q: Is Pittsburg the biggest city in Kansas?

A: No, Pittsburg is the biggest city in Crawford County and southeast Kansas, but not in the entire state of Kansas.

Q: How many people lived in Pittsburg in 2010?

A: In 2010, 20,233 people lived in Pittsburg.

Q: What is the population of Pittsburg currently?

A: The text doesn't provide information about the current population of Pittsburg.

Q: Is Crawford County located in the eastern part of Kansas?

A: The text doesn't provide information about the exact location of Crawford County in Kansas.

Q: What kind of place is Pittsburg known for?

A: The text doesn't provide information about what kind of place Pittsburg is known for.

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