What is an average?

Q: What is an average?

A: An average is a "normal" number of a group of numbers made by mixing the group of numbers.

Q: What is an average called in math?

A: In math, an average is called a mean.

Q: How can we find the mean of a group of numbers?

A: We can find the mean of a group of numbers by adding the numbers and then dividing the answer by the number of numbers there were.

Q: Are there other kinds of means besides the average?

A: Yes, there are other kinds of means besides the average, such as the median or mode (statistics).

Q: What is the median in statistics?

A: The median in statistics is the middle number of a set of data.

Q: What is the mode in statistics?

A: The mode in statistics is the number that appears most frequently in a set of data.

Q: Can a group of numbers have more than one mode?

A: Yes, a group of numbers can have more than one mode if two or more numbers appear with the same frequency.

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