What is the Pieridae family of butterflies?
Q: What is the Pieridae family of butterflies?
A: The Pieridae family of butterflies is a large family with about 76 genera and 1,100 species. They are mostly from tropical Africa and Asia and most have white, yellow or orange wings with black spots.
Q: Where did the name "butterfly" come from?
A: The name "butterfly" may have come from a member of this family called the Brimstone Gonepteryx rhamni which was called the "butter-coloured fly" by early British naturalists.
Q: Are caterpillars of some pierid species seen in gardens?
A: Yes, caterpillars of some species such as Pieris brassicae and Pieris rapae are often seen in gardens.
Q: Why are these caterpillars considered agricultural pests?
A: These caterpillars are considered agricultural pests because they feed on brassicas.
Q: How do males of many pierid species feed?
A: Males of many pierid species feed on salts from moist soil in groups which is known as 'mud-puddling' or 'puddling'.
Q: What type of pigments are characteristic to this butterfly family?
A: The pigments found on members of this butterfly family are white, yellow or orange with black spots.