What is autoimmunity?
Q: What is autoimmunity?
A: Autoimmunity is a medical condition where a person’s immune system attacks that person’s own body.
Q: What does a healthy immune system do?
A: A healthy immune system recognizes viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens, then fights them off.
Q: How does autoimmunity work?
A: When a person has autoimmunity, their immune system attacks the person’s own body. It recognizes the body’s healthy cells and tissues as antigens, and reacts by attacking them.
Q: What are the symptoms of autoimmunity?
A: Sometimes this reaction causes severe inflammation, which can be painful and even dangerous. Sometimes the reaction is not dangerous and causes very few symptoms.
Q: What are diseases caused by autoimmunity called?
A: Diseases caused by autoimmunity are called autoimmune diseases.
Q: Can a person suddenly develop autoimmunity?
A: Yes, a person can suddenly develop autoimmunity.
Q: Can scientists cause autoimmunity in people?
A: Yes, scientists can cause autoimmunity by injecting people with autoantigens (the healthy cells that the immune system attacks).