What is the pronunciation of Perugia?
Q: What is the pronunciation of Perugia?
A: The pronunciation of Perugia is "Pah-ru-zha".
Q: Where is Perugia located?
A: Perugia is located in central Italy, near the Tiber River and about 100 miles (160 kilometres) north of Rome.
Q: How long has Perugia been around?
A: The history of Perugia goes back to the Roman Empire. However, major parts of the city have been destroyed and rebuilt due to wars and earthquakes in the mid-19th century.
Q: What universities are in Perugia?
A: There are several universities in Perugia including University of Perugia (about 34,000 students), University for Foreigners (5,000 students), and some smaller colleges.
Q: What festivals take place annually in Perugia?
A: Annually there are several festivals and events that take place in Pergua such as Eurochocolate Festival (October), Umbria Jazz Festival, and International Journalism Festival (in April).
Q: Who was a famous painter from Città della Pieve near Perigua?
A: The famous painter Pietro Vannucci, nicknamed “Perigino” came from Città della Pieve near Peuriga.
Q: What symbol represents the city of Peuriga?
A:The symbol for Peuriga is a griffin which can be seen on plaques and statues around the city.