Periodic function

This article deals with the mathematical term period in the meaning of the interval in the regular recurrence of a function value. See Period (decimal fraction) and Period for other meanings of the term.

In mathematics, periodic functions are a special class of functions. They have the property that their function values repeat at regular intervals. The intervals between the occurrence of the same function values are called period. Simple examples are sine and cosine functions. So that functions with gaps in the definition range, such as the tangent function, can also be counted as periodic functions, one allows definition ranges with periodic gaps. However, a periodic function does not have only one period, because each multiple of a period is also a period. Example: The sine function is not only 2\pi -periodic, but also 4\pi -periodic, ... When one speaks of period, one usually means the smallest possible positive period. However, there are periodic functions that do not have a smallest period. Example: any constant function defined on \mathbb {R} has any number as its period.

Periodic functions occur naturally in physics to describe mechanical, electrical, or acoustic oscillatory processes. Therefore, a period is often denoted by T(engl. : Time).

Since a periodic function is known if its course within a period is known, non-trigonometric periodic functions are usually defined in a basic interval and then continued periodically.

Just as many real functions can be developed in power series, one can, under certain conditions, develop a periodic function as a series of sine and cosine functions: see Fourier series.

Periodic sequences can be understood as special cases of periodic functions.

Functions that are not periodic are sometimes referred to - for extra emphasis - as aperiodic.

function graph of the tangent functionZoom
function graph of the tangent function


Illustration of a periodic function with period P

Function graph of the sine functionZoom
Function graph of the sine function

Real periodic functions


A real number Tis a period of a function defined in \mathcal{D}_f \subseteq \mathbb{R}defined if for each xfrom {\displaystyle {\mathcal {D}}_{f}}holds:

  • {\displaystyle x+T}is in {\displaystyle {\mathcal {D}}_{f}}and
  • {\displaystyle f(x+T)=f(x)\;.}

The function fis periodic if it T \neq 0admits at least one period One then also says that fis " T-periodic".

For {\displaystyle {\mathcal {D}}_{f}=\mathbb {R} }, which is often the case, the first property is always satisfied.

Properties of the periods

The following properties apply to the period:

  • If Ta period of fthen also -Ta period of f;
  • If T_{1}and T_{2}two periods of f, then {\displaystyle k_{1}T_{1}+k_{2}T_{2}}with {\displaystyle k_{1},k_{2}\in \mathbb {Z} }a period of f.

Mostly one is interested in the smallest positive period. This exists for any nonconstant continuous periodic function. (A constant function is periodic with any period other than 0.) If fhas a least positive period, then the periods of are fthe multiples of T. In the other case, the set of periods of is fdense in \mathbb {R} .


Trigonometric functions

The standard examples of periodic functions are the trigonometric functions. For example, the sine function defined on all of \mathbb {R} defined sine function is periodic. Its function values repeat at intervals of 2\pi (\pi is the circular number Pi); thus, it has period 2\pi .
The tangent function with domain of definition {\displaystyle \mathbb {R} \setminus \{k\pi +{\tfrac {\pi }{2}}\;|\;k\in \mathbb {Z} \}}is also a trigonometric function; it has period\pi rather than 2\pi although it can be represented as the quotient of two 2\pi -periodic functions: {\displaystyle \tan x={\tfrac {\sin x}{\cos x}}}.

Sum of cos and sin functions

Sums of cos and sin functions with a common (not necessarily smallest) period Tare again periodic. (In the figure, the common period is 2\pi .) This property of cos and sin functions is the basis of Fourier series. If two functions do not have a common period, the sum is not periodic. Example: {\displaystyle f(x)=\sin x+\sin(\pi x)}is not periodic.

Periodic continuation

In the definition example at the top of the figure, a function given on a half-open interval (a,b]given on a half-open interval has been b-a{\displaystyle T=b-a}continued to a periodic function of period by simply shifting by integer multiples of This type is called direct periodic continuation, to distinguish even and odd periodic continuation.

The following formal definition also provides a way to evaluate a periodically continued function with a computer, since the rounding function used is directly or indirectly realized in many mathematics systems.

a function f_{0}on the interval [a, b]with {\displaystyle f_{0}(a)=f_{0}(b)}is given, then the function fwith

{\displaystyle f(x)=f_{0}{\big (}x-\left\lfloor {\frac {x-a}{T}}\right\rfloor \cdot T{\big )},\;x\in \mathbb {R} }

the (direct) periodic continuation of f_{0}on all of \mathbb {R} and {\displaystyle \;T=b-a\;}its period.
{\displaystyle \lfloor \cdot \rfloor }is the rounding function. Using the rounding function ensures that the function is f_{0}only evaluated for x values from its definition range (see figure).

Example: periodic continuation of parabolic arc {\displaystyle f_{0}(x)=(x-1)(4-x),\;a=1,b=4}with period {\displaystyle \;T=b-a=3\;}. The function value at the point (for example) {\displaystyle x=8}

{\displaystyle f(8)=f_{0}{\big (}8-\lfloor {\frac {7}{3}}\rfloor \cdot 3{\big )}=f_{0}(8-2\cdot 3)=f_{0}(2)=2\;.}

Since periodic functions are often developed in Fourier series and an even/odd periodic function can only be represented with cosine/sine terms, the following continuations are of particular interest:

Odd continuation:
In this case, one starts from a function {\displaystyle [0,b]}defined on
the interval f_{0}with {\displaystyle f_{0}(0)=f_{0}(b)=0}. In a first step, one continues the function by mirroring it at the zero point on the interval : {\displaystyle [-b,0]}

{\displaystyle f_{u}(x)={\begin{cases}\quad f_{0}(x)\;,\ \quad 0\leq x\leq b\\-f_{0}(-x)\;,\;-b\leq x<0\ .\end{cases}}}

The function [-b,b]defined on the interval f_{u}is now directly periodically continued (as described above). This gives rise to an odd periodic function defined on \mathbb {R} defined odd periodic function fof period {\displaystyle T=2b}.

Just continued:
The analog procedure with

{\displaystyle f_{g}(x)={\begin{cases}f_{0}(x),\quad \ \ 0\leq x\leq b\\f_{0}(-x),\;-b\leq x<0\end{cases}}}

yields an even periodic function of period {\displaystyle T=2b}.

Fourier series: Example

Main article: Fourier series

The Fourier series of a 2\pi -periodic odd function fhas the form

{\displaystyle \;\sum _{k=1}^{\infty }b_{k}\sin \left(kt\right)\;}


{\displaystyle b_{k}={\frac {1}{\pi }}\int _{-\pi }^{\pi }f(t)\cdot \sin \left(kt\right)\mathrm {d} t\quad {\text{für }}k\geq 1\;.}

The goal of a Fourier series expansion is to approximate a periodic function on (all of !) \mathbb {R} by sums of simple periodic functions. Ideally, the Fourier series represents the given function on \mathbb {R} . (A power series expansion approximates a function, which is not a polynomial, with its partial sums on a bounded (!) interval by polynomials).

In the figure, a function [0,\pi ]given on the interval f_{0}(two straight line segments, red) fcontinued odd to a 2\pi -periodic function and then developed into a Fourier series (with sin terms only). One can see how well/badly partial sums of the Fourier series (of lengths n= 3,6,12) f_{0}approximate the function While f_{0}is discontinuous (it has jump points), the partial sums as sums of sin terms are all continuous.

In the example

{\displaystyle f_{0}(x)={\begin{cases}x\;,\ \quad 0\leq x\leq {\frac {\pi }{2}}\\2.5\;,\;{\frac {\pi }{2}}<x<\pi \\0\;,\qquad x=\pi \ .\end{cases}}}

and the partial sum for n=3:

{\displaystyle \;\sum _{k=1}^{3}b_{k}\sin \left(kt\right)={\frac {1}{\pi }}{\big (}7\sin x+({\frac {\pi }{2}}-5)\sin 2x+{\frac {13}{9}}\sin 3x{\big )}\ .}

Fourier series: various Partial sums (blue)Zoom
Fourier series: various Partial sums (blue)

Periodic continuation of the function in the pink area: top: odd, bottom: evenZoom
Periodic continuation of the function in the pink area: top: odd, bottom: even


Periodic function
{\displaystyle {\mathcal {D}}_{f}=\mathbb {R} }. (blue),
{\displaystyle {\mathcal {D}}_{f}}subset of \mathbb {R} (blue),
purple: period

Periodic continuation of a parabolic arcZoom
Periodic continuation of a parabolic arc

Sum of cos and sin functionsZoom
Sum of cos and sin functions

More general definition

The notion of periodic function is not limited to real functions. It can be defined more generally for functions on whose source set an addition is declared.

Let Gbe an (additive) semigroup, Ma set, and {\displaystyle f\colon G\to M}a function. If there exists a {\displaystyle T\in G}with

{\displaystyle f(g+T)=f(g)}

for all g\in Gthen the function is called fperiodic with period T. - 2020 / 2023 - License CC3