What is Per-Bast?

Q: What is Per-Bast?

A: Per-Bast is an ancient city located in the Nile Delta of Lower Egypt.

Q: What is the significance of Per-Bast?

A: Per-Bast is the center of the cult of Bast, an ancient Egyptian cat-goddess who is the protectress of Ra.

Q: What does the name Per-Bast mean?

A: The name Per-Bast means "house of Bast" in ancient Egyptian.

Q: In which nome did Per-Bast serve as the capital?

A: Per-Bast served as the capital of the 18th nome in Lower Egypt, known as Am-Khent.

Q: Who was Bast?

A: Bast is an ancient Egyptian cat-goddess who is the protectress of Ra.

Q: Why is Bast important in ancient Egyptian mythology?

A: Bast was a highly revered goddess in ancient Egyptian mythology as she was associated with fertility, motherhood, and protection.

Q: Where is Per-Bast located?

A: Per-Bast is located in the Nile Delta of Lower Egypt.

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