Where is Peechelba located?

Q: Where is Peechelba located?

A: Peechelba is located in northeastern Victoria, Australia.

Q: What is the distance between Peechelba and the state capital, Melbourne?

A: Peechelba is 277 kilometres (172 mi) northwest of the state capital, Melbourne.

Q: How many people lived in and around Peechelba in 2006?

A: In 2006, there were about 116 people living in and around Peechelba.

Q: What is Peechelba known for?

A: Peechelba is known for its nature reserve and its proximity to the Ovens River.

Q: What other towns are nearby Peechelba?

A: Wangaratta and Yarrawonga are the other towns nearby Peechelba.

Q: What kind of location is Peechelba in?

A: Peechelba is located in a beautiful natural setting with a nature reserve and a river nearby.

Q: What is the population size of Peechelba?

A: The population size of Peechelba is relatively small with only around 116 people living in and around the town in 2006.

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