What is a pear?

Q: What is a pear?

A: A pear is a teardrop-shaped fruit that grows on a tree in the Northern Hemisphere and can be harvested from late summer to October.

Q: What is the best way to eat a pear?

A: The flavor of pears is best when they are cool, so it is recommended to eat them chilled.

Q: Do pears ripen well on trees?

A: Pears do not ripen well on trees, so they are usually harvested when they are mature but not fully ripe, and then left to ripen off the tree.

Q: What are some ways to use pears in cooking?

A: Pears can be baked, canned, frozen, or eaten fresh. They can be made into jams, jellies or juice. They can also be made into pies and put into salads or baby food.

Q: What is the water content of a pear?

A: Pears are eighty-three percent water.

Q: Where did pears originate?

A: Pears originated from Europe, Africa, and Asia.

Q: What family do pears belong to?

A: Pears belong to the subfamily Maloideae, which is a subfamily of the family Rosaceae, along with apples.

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