What are the coordinates of Austria?

Q: What are the coordinates of Austria?

A: The coordinates of Austria are 47°20′N 13°20′E / 47.333°N 13.333°E.

Q: What is the official name of Austria in German and English?

A: The official name of Austria in German is Republik Österreich, and in English, it is the Republic of Austria.

Q: Which countries are situated around Austria?

A: The countries surrounding Austria are Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Italy, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein.

Q: Who is the current chancellor of Austria?

A: The current chancellor of Austria is Karl Nehammer.

Q: How long has Austria been a member-state of the United Nations?

A: Austria has been a member-state of the United Nations since 1955.

Q: Which languages are spoken in Austria?

A: The people in Austria speak German, with some speaking Hungarian, Slovenian, and Croatian.

Q: How old is Austria?

A: Austria is more than a thousand years old, with its history traced back to the ninth century when the first people moved to the land now known as Austria.

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