Who was Paul Watzlawick?

Q: Who was Paul Watzlawick?

A: Paul Watzlawick was a theoretician in communication theory and also worked in the fields of family therapy and general psychotherapy.

Q: When was Paul Watzlawick born and when did he die?

A: Paul Watzlawick was born on July 25, 1921, and he died on March 31, 2007.

Q: Where did Paul Watzlawick live and work?

A: Paul Watzlawick lived and worked in California until his death in 2007 in Palo Alto.

Q: What is significant about Paul Watzlawick's work?

A: Paul Watzlawick formulated five axioms in communication theory, which are important contributions to the field.

Q: How many axioms did Paul Watzlawick formulated?

A: Paul Watzlawick formulated five axioms in communication theory.

Q: In which fields did Paul Watzlawick work besides communication theory?

A: Besides communication theory, Paul Watzlawick also worked in the fields of family therapy and general psychotherapy.

Q: When did Paul Watzlawick die?

A: Paul Watzlawick died on March 31, 2007.

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