What is the Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)?

Q: What is the Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)?

A: APNI is an online database containing all published names of Australian vascular plants.

Q: What type of names does APNI cover?

A: APNI covers all names, whether current names, synonyms, or invalid names.

Q: Does APNI provide bibliographic and typification details?

A: Yes, APNI provides bibliographic and typification details, along with links to other resources.

Q: Are there any state-specific details provided in APNI?

A: Yes, data from the Census of Australian Vascular Plants is divided by state in APNI.

Q: Can users make notes and comments on other details in APNI?

A: Yes, users can make notes and comments on other details in APNI.

Q: What type of plants are included in APNI?

A: Only Australian vascular plants are included in APNI.

Q: What is the significance of APNI for botanists?

A: APNI is an important resource for botanists as it provides a comprehensive list of all published names of Australian vascular plants.

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