What is a patent attorney?
Q: What is a patent attorney?
A: A patent attorney is an attorney who has the specialized skills and training necessary for representing clients in obtaining patents and acting in all matters and procedures relating to patent law and practice.
Q: What can a patent attorney do?
A: A patent attorney can file an application for a new patent and can also try to stop the patent office from giving the patent to somebody else.
Q: Is the legal qualification required for a patent attorney the same as that for a general legal practitioner?
A: The legal qualification required for a patent attorney may or may not be the same as that for a general legal practitioner depending on the country.
Q: What are the other titles used for a patent attorney in some jurisdictions?
A: The other titles used for a patent attorney in some jurisdictions are patent agent and patent lawyer.
Q: Are the terms patent attorney and patent lawyer interchangeable in some jurisdictions?
A: Yes, the terms patent attorney and patent lawyer are interchangeable in some jurisdictions.
Q: What additional qualification is required for a patent lawyer in some countries?
A: In some countries, a patent lawyer must also be qualified as a lawyer.
Q: What is the role of a patent attorney in patent law and practice?
A: The role of a patent attorney is to represent clients in obtaining patents and in all matters and procedures relating to patent law and practice.