What does PFLAG stand for?
Q: What does PFLAG stand for?
A: PFLAG stands for Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays.
Q: What does PFLAG advocate for?
A: PFLAG advocates for homosexual or gay rights.
Q: Who does PFLAG involve in its cause?
A: PFLAG involves parents, family, and friends of individuals who identify as homosexual or gay.
Q: When did PFLAG start?
A: PFLAG started in 1972.
Q: What was the motivation behind the establishment of PFLAG?
A: The establishment of PFLAG was motivated by Jeanne Manford's experience of seeing her son being thrown down an escalator during a protest for gay rights.
Q: Where did Jeanne Manford witness her son being thrown down an escalator?
A: Jeanne Manford witnessed her son being thrown down an escalator in New York City.
Q: What was Jeanne Manford's relationship with the cause of PFLAG?
A: Jeanne Manford was the mother of a gay son and was a founder of PFLAG.