
In mathematics, a parabola (via Latin parabola from ancient Greek παραβολή parabolḗ "juxtaposition, comparison, simile, equality"; traced back to παρά pará "next to" and βάλλειν bállein "to throw") is a second-order curve and is therefore describable via a second-degree algebraic equation. Along with the circle, the ellipse, and the hyperbola, it is one of the conic sections: it is formed when a straight circular cone intersects a plane that is parallel to a generatrix and does not pass through the apex of the cone. Because of this very special intersection requirement, the parabola plays a special role among the conic sections: it has only one focal point and all parabolas are similar to each other.

The parabola was discovered by Menaichmos and named parabolḗ by Apollonios of Perge (c. 262-190 BC).

Parabolas often appear in mathematics as graphs of quadratic functions . {\displaystyle x\mapsto f(x)=ax^{2}+bx+c}

Parables also play a role in daily life:


Parabola with focal point F, vertex Sand directrix l

Definition with guideline

A parabola can be described geometrically as a locus line:

A parabola is the geometric locus of all points Pwhose distance d(P,F)to a special fixed point - the focal point F- is equal to the distance d(P,l)to a special straight line - the directrix .l

Noted as a point set:

\{P \mid d(P,F) = d(P,l)\}

The point midway between the focal point and the directrix is called the vertex S of the parabola. The line connecting the focal point and the vertex is also called the axis of the parabola. It is the only axis of symmetry of the parabola.

If one introduces coordinates in such a way that {\displaystyle F=(0,f)\ ,f>0}and the directrix has the equation y=-f, then for P=(x,y)from {\displaystyle d(P,F)=d(P,l)}results the equation


of a parabola open at the top.

The half-width p of the parabola at the height of the focal point results from {\displaystyle y=f={\tfrac {1}{4f}}x^{2}} to p=2fand is called (analogous to ellipse and hyperbola) the half-parameter of the parabola. As with ellipse (in the principal vertex) and hyperbola, the half-parameter p {\displaystyle p} is thep vertex radius of curvature, that is, the radius of the circle of curvature at the vertex. In paddition, for a parabola, the distance from the focal point to the directrix. The equation of the parabola can thus also be written in the following form:


If we swap xand y, then one obtains with


the equation of a parabola opened to the right.

Based on the definition, a parabola is the equidistance curve to its focal point and directrix.

Parabola: Definition with focal point F, directrix l (black) and half-parameter p (green). The perpendicular Pl and the distance PF (each blue) are the same length for all points P of the parabola (red).Zoom
Parabola: Definition with focal point F, directrix l (black) and half-parameter p (green). The perpendicular Pl and the distance PF (each blue) are the same length for all points P of the parabola (red).

Parabola as function graph

An upward or downward open parabola with vertex at zero (0,0) and the y axis as axis is described (in Cartesian coordinates) by an equation

y=ax^{2}{\text{ mit }}a\neq 0

described. For a>0 the parabolas are open upwards, for a<0 downwards (see figure). Thereby holds:

  • The focal point is (0,{\tfrac {1}{4a}}),
  • the half-parameter is p=\tfrac{1}{2a},
  • the directrix has the equation y=-{\tfrac {1}{4a}}and
  • the tangent line at the point (x_0,ax^2_0)has the equation y=2ax_{0}x-ax_{0}^{2}.

For a=1get the normal parabola y=x^2. Its focal point is (0,{\tfrac {1}{4}}), the half-parameter p=\tfrac{1}{2}and the directrix has the equation y=-{\tfrac {1}{4}}.

After a shift the vertex shape of any upward or downward open parabola is {\displaystyle (x,y)\mapsto (x+x_{0},y+y_{0})}obtained:

y=a(x-x_{0})^{2}+y_{0}\ ,\ a\neq 0with vertex S=(x_{0},y_{0})

Multiplying out gives the general equation of a parabola open down or up:

y=ax^{2}+bx+c{\text{ mit }}a,b,c\in \mathbb{R} ,a\neq 0

It is the graph of the quadratic function


Given the function f(x)=ax^{2}+bx+c, find the vertex by quadratic completion:

S=(x_{0},y_{0})=(-{\tfrac {b}{2a}},c-{\tfrac {b^{2}}{4a}})


Parabolas y=ax^2{parabola array} - 2020 / 2023 - License CC3