What is the Panjnad River?

Q: What is the Panjnad River?

A: Panjnad River is a river in Punjab, Pakistan, which is formed by the confluence of five rivers.

Q: Which are the five rivers that combine to form the Panjnad River?

A: The five rivers which combine to form the Panjnad River are Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas and Sutlej.

Q: Where is the Panjnad River located?

A: The Panjnad River is located in Punjab, Pakistan.

Q: Where does the Panjnad River flow into?

A: The Panjnad River flows into the Indus River at Mithankot.

Q: What is the significance of the dam on the Panjnad River?

A: The dam on Panjnad River provides irrigation channels for Punjab and Sind provinces south of Sutlej and east of the Indus rivers.

Q: What was the Indus River known as beyond the meeting of Indus and Panjnad rivers?

A: Beyond the meeting of Indus and Panjnad rivers, the Indus River was known as Satnad (Sat = seven) carrying the waters of seven rivers including Indus river, which is believed to be earlier times the Saraswati River/Ghaggar-Hakra River river which eventually dried and became a seasonal river due to seismic shifts in the glacial region of Himachal Pradesh where it originated and later on Kabul river and the five rivers of Punjab.

Q: At what location do Jhelum and Ravi join Chenab, and where does the Panjnad River form?

A: Jhelum and Ravi join Chenab near Uch Sharif, and then Sutlej and Chenab join to form Panjnad near Uch Sharif.

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