What is the Palmeral or Palm Grove of Elche?
Q: What is the Palmeral or Palm Grove of Elche?
A: It is the generic name for the date palm orchards in the city of Elche (Spain).
Q: How many orchards are there in the urban area of Elche?
A: There are 97 different orchards in the urban area of Elche.
Q: How many date palms are contained in the orchards of the urban area of Elche?
A: The orchards in the urban area of Elche contain about 70,000 date palms.
Q: Where are most of the date palms located in Elche?
A: Most of the date palms are located in the east bank of the Vinalopó.
Q: Is the Palmeral of Elche the only palm grove in Europe?
A: Yes, the Palmeral of Elche is the only palm grove of its type anywhere in Europe.
Q: How large is the Palm Grove of Elche?
A: The Palm Grove of Elche covers over 3.5 km2 (1.4 sq mi), including 1.5 km2 (0.58 sq mi) in the city of Elche.
Q: Has the Palmeral of Elche received any recognition?
A: Yes, the Palm Grove of Elche was one of 100 finalists for the 12 Treasures of Spain in 2007.