Who was Padraic Colum?
Q: Who was Padraic Colum?
A: Padraic Colum was an Irish writer.
Q: What types of writing did Padraic Colum do?
A: Padraic Colum wrote poetry, long made-up stories, plays, true stories about people who made big changes in the world, and stories for children.
Q: What did Padraic Colum do with stories other people told?
A: Padraic Colum wrote down stories other people told if they were so old that nobody knew who told them the first time.
Q: What was the Irish Literary Revival?
A: The Irish Literary Revival was a time when many very good Irish writers wrote lots of stories and poems that were full of big, important thoughts.
Q: When did the Irish Literary Revival happen?
A: The Irish Literary Revival happened near the end of the 19th century and near the start of the 20th century.
Q: Was Padraic Colum part of the Irish Literary Revival?
A: Yes, Padraic Colum was one of the Irish writers who were part of the Irish Literary Revival.
Q: What was Padraic Colum known for writing for children?
A: Padraic Colum was known for writing stories for children.