Where is Paderborn located?
Q: Where is Paderborn located?
A: Paderborn is located in the east of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
Q: What is Paderborn?
A: Paderborn is a district.
Q: What is the IPA of Paderborn?
A: The IPA of Paderborn is [paːdɐˈbɔʁn].
Q: What is North Rhine-Westphalia?
A: North Rhine-Westphalia is a federal state in Germany.
Q: Is Paderborn located in the west or east of North Rhine-Westphalia?
A: Paderborn is located in the east of North Rhine-Westphalia.
Q: What language is used in the text to describe Paderborn's location?
A: The language used in the text to describe Paderborn's location is English.
Q: What is the German word for "district"?
A: The German word for "district" is "Kreis".