What is pacifism?

Q: What is pacifism?

A: Pacifism is a belief or philosophy that rejects the use of violence or war as a means for achieving peace or resolving conflicts.

Q: How was pacifism encouraged in the early days of human history?

A: The text doesn't provide a specific answer to this question.

Q: Who are conscientious objectors?

A: Conscientious objectors are individuals who refuse to participate in war or military service based on their personal beliefs or conscientious objections.

Q: How do conscientious objectors relate to pacifism?

A: Conscientious objectors often share the same pacifist beliefs and oppose war as a means for achieving peace.

Q: What is the Buddhist view on war?

A: Buddhists view war as a negative and harmful activity that should be avoided as much as possible.

Q: Why do Buddhists believe war is a bad thing?

A: Buddhists believe that war not only causes physical harm and destruction but also leads to negative emotional and psychological consequences. They also believe that war goes against their core values of compassion, love, and nonviolence.

Q: Can war be solved by fighting?

A: No, the text suggests that war cannot be solved simply by fighting. Pacifists and Buddhists believe that there are better ways to resolve conflicts and achieve peace that do not involve violence or war.

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