When and where was Owen Spencer-Thomas born?

Q: When and where was Owen Spencer-Thomas born?

A: Owen Spencer-Thomas was born on 3 March 1940 in Braughing, Hertfordshire, England.

Q: What is Owen Spencer-Thomas best known for?

A: Owen Spencer-Thomas is best known as a television and radio news journalist over three decades.

Q: What other career did Spencer-Thomas combine with his career as a journalist?

A: Spencer-Thomas combined his career as a journalist with that of ordained Anglican clergyman and charity fundraiser.

Q: Is Owen Spencer-Thomas currently married?

A: Yes, Owen Spencer-Thomas is married to Maggie.

Q: How many children does Owen Spencer-Thomas have?

A: Owen Spencer-Thomas has three adult children, two sons and a daughter.

Q: What is the name of Owen Spencer-Thomas's wife?

A: Owen Spencer-Thomas's wife's name is Maggie.

Q: What is Owen Spencer-Thomas's birthplace?

A: Owen Spencer-Thomas's birthplace is Braughing, Hertfordshire, England.

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