What is an outstation?
Q: What is an outstation?
A: An outstation is a small, rural settlement of Aboriginal Australians that are usually built on or near the community's traditional country.
Q: Who lives in an outstation?
A: People living in an outstation are usually closely related, belonging to one or two families and have a spiritual and ancestral relationship with the land.
Q: How many people live in an outstation?
A: The number of people living in the settlement may rise and fall throughout the year, but the permanent population is normally less than a few dozen.
Q: Where are most of these communities located?
A: Most of these communities are located in the Northern Territory, Western Australia, South Australia and Queensland.
Q: What data do they appear as in statistical records?
A: In statistical data, outstations are called "discrete indigenous communities".
Q: How many discrete indigenous communities exist in Australia?
A: There are more than a thousand such communities in Australia.
Q: Are these settlements self-governing?
A: Yes, they are largely self-governing.