Where is Ottawa County located?

Q: Where is Ottawa County located?

A: Ottawa County is a county located in the U.S. state of Kansas.

Q: What is the population of Ottawa County according to the 2010 census?

A: The population of Ottawa County according to the 2010 census is 6,091 people.

Q: What is the standard abbreviation used for Ottawa County?

A: The standard abbreviation used for Ottawa County is OT.

Q: What is the largest city in Ottawa County?

A: The largest city in Ottawa County is Minneapolis.

Q: Who is the state of Kansas located in?

A: The state of Kansas is located in the United States.

Q: What type of information does the text provide about Ottawa County, Kansas?

A: The text provides information about the location, population, standard abbreviation, and largest city of Ottawa County, Kansas.

Q: What is the purpose of mentioning the county seat in the text?

A: The purpose of mentioning the county seat in the text is to indicate the location of the county government and administrative center.

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