What is Augustana College?

Q: What is Augustana College?

A: Augustana College is a private liberal arts college located in Rock Island, Illinois, United States.

Q: How many students does Augustana College have?

A: Augustana College has approximately 2,500 students.

Q: What is the size of the Augustana College campus?

A: Augustana College campus occupies 115 acres (46.5 ha) of hilly, wooded land, situated next to the Mississippi River.

Q: What percentage of Augustana College faculty holds a Ph.D. or the terminal degree in their field?

A: 91% of full-time faculty at Augustana College hold Ph.D.s or the terminal degrees in their respective fields.

Q: Is Augustana College a public or private institution?

A: Augustana College is a private institution.

Q: Where is Augustana College located?

A: Augustana College is located in Rock Island, Illinois, United States.

Q: What type of college is Augustana College?

A: Augustana College is a private liberal arts college.

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