Who was August Weismann?

Q: Who was August Weismann?

A: August Weismann was a German evolutionary biologist.

Q: When and where was August Weismann born?

A: August Weismann was born in Frankfurt am Main on January 17, 1834.

Q: When and where did August Weismann die?

A: August Weismann died on November 5, 1914, in Freiburg.

Q: What is August Weismann known for?

A: August Weismann is known for his contributions to evolutionary biology.

Q: What do biologists think about August Weismann's work?

A: Biologists admire August Weismann's work, and Ernst Mayr considered him one of the great biologists of all time.

Q: According to Ernst Mayr, where does August Weismann rank among the notable evolutionary theorists of the 19th century?

A: According to Ernst Mayr, August Weismann ranks as the second most notable evolutionary theorist of the 19th century, after Charles Darwin.

Q: What is August Weismann's legacy in the field of biology?

A: August Weismann's work and contributions have left a significant impact on the field of evolutionary biology.

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