What is OCLC, Inc.?
Q: What is OCLC, Inc.?
A: OCLC, Inc. is a library service and research organization that helps people find more information and helps libraries work.
Q: When was it started?
A: It was started on July 6, 1967 as the not-for-profit Ohio College Library Center.
Q: How many libraries are members of OCLC?
A: Over 30,000 libraries in 100+ countries are members of OCLC.
Q: Who founded the organization?
A: The organization was founded by Fred Kilgour.
Q: Where is its head office located?
A: Its head office is located in Dublin, Ohio, U.S.A.
Q: What does OCLC make?
A: It makes WorldCat, a very big online catalog (a list of books and things like books).