What is Okara?
Q: What is Okara?
A: Okara is the capital city of Okara District, Punjab, Pakistan.
Q: What is the meaning of the name Okara?
A: The name Okara comes from Okaan, the name of a tree.
Q: Where is Okara located?
A: Okara is located southwest of the city of Lahore and Faisalabad is 100 km away, passing through Ravi River.
Q: What is Okara famous for?
A: Okara is famous for its dairy products and cotton mills.
Q: What is the population of Okara?
A: The population of Okara is 326,801.
Q: What is the nearest major city to Okara?
A: The nearest major city to Okara is Sahiwal.
Q: How is Okara City connected with Lahore?
A: The Multan road connects Okara City with Lahore.