Who wrote the music for "O Canada"?

Q: Who wrote the music for "O Canada"?

A: Calixa Lavallée wrote the music for "O Canada".

Q: Who wrote the original French lyrics for "O Canada"?

A: Adolphe-Basile Routhier wrote the original French lyrics for "O Canada".

Q: When was "O Canada" first sung in French?

A: "O Canada" was first sung in French in 1880.

Q: Who wrote English words for the song?

A: Robert Stanley Weir wrote English words for the song.

Q: When did the government make it official as the national anthem of Canada?

A: The government made it official as the national anthem of Canada on 1 July (Canada Day) in 1980.

Q: What is another name for “O Canada”?

A: Another name for “O Canada” is Ô Canada, which is its title in French.

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