How many living genera are there in the order Notostraca?

Q: How many living genera are there in the order Notostraca?

A: There are just two living genera in the order Notostraca, Triops and Lepidura.

Q: Why are Triops and Lepidura considered 'living fossils'?

A: Triops and Lepidura are considered 'living fossils' because they have not changed in outward form since the Triassic.

Q: What kind of animals are Notostracans?

A: Notostracans, also known as tadpole shrimps, are omnivores living on the bottom of temporary pools and shallow lakes.

Q: Where on Earth can Notostracans be found?

A: Notostracans can be found in pools of water on every continent except Antarctica.

Q: How quickly do Notostracans grow?

A: Notostracans grow very quickly and can reach adulthood in a week.

Q: How long do Triops generally live?

A: Triops only live for a short time; a record-breaking female only lived to be 100 days.

Q: What happens to Notostracan eggs when their pools dry up?

A: When Notostracan pools dry up, adult tadpole shrimp die. However, their eggs stop developing for a time. When they are in water again, they come to life and new Triops are hatched. This is because of a state known as diapause, where eggs can lie dormant for up to twenty years before hatching again. - 2020 / 2023 - License CC3