How many statistical regions does Italy have?

Q: How many statistical regions does Italy have?

A: Italy has five official statistical regions.

Q: What is the name of the statistical region that includes Northeast Italy?

A: The statistical region that includes Northeast Italy is called Italia nord-orientale or Nord-Est.

Q: Who uses the official statistical regions of Italy for classification purposes?

A: The National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT) uses the official statistical regions of Italy for classification purposes.

Q: What level of region is Northeast Italy classified as?

A: Northeast Italy is classified as a NUTS1 level region.

Q: What does the acronym NUTS1 stand for?

A: The acronym NUTS1 stands for Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics.

Q: How is the territory of Northeast Italy situated within Italy?

A: Northeast Italy is located in the northern part of Italy.

Q: What language is used to refer to Northeast Italy?

A: The Italian language is used to refer to Northeast Italy as Italia nord-orientale or just Nord-Est. - 2020 / 2023 - License CC3