Where is North Uist located?
Q: Where is North Uist located?\nA: North Uist is located in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland.
Q: How large is North Uist compared to other Scottish islands?\n
A: North Uist is the tenth largest Scottish island and the thirteenth largest island surrounding Great Britain.
Q: What is the area of North Uist?\n
A: The area of North Uist is 117 square miles (303 km2), slightly smaller than South Uist.
Q: What is the terrain like on North Uist?\n
A: With the exception of the south east, the island is very flat, and covered with a patchwork of peat bogs, low hills, and lochs, with more than half the land being covered by water.
Q: What makes the habitats on North Uist complex and unusual? \n
A: Some of the lochs contain a mixture of fresh and tidal salt water, giving rise to some complex and unusual habitats.
Q: What is the largest loch by area on North Uist?\n
A: The largest loch by area on North Uist is Loch Sgadabhagh.
Q: Is the northern part of North Uist part of a National Scenic Area?\n
A: Yes, the northern part of North Uist is part of the South Lewis, Harris and North Uist National Scenic Area, one of 40 in Scotland.