Who is Norma Cruz?

Q: Who is Norma Cruz?

A: Norma Cruz is a Guatemalan human rights activist who works to stop violence against women.

Q: What is the name of the women's rights organization that Cruz is the head of in Guatemala City?

A: Cruz is the head of the Fundación Sobrevivientes (Survivors' Foundation), a women's rights organization in Guatemala City.

Q: What recognition did Cruz receive from the US Department of State?

A: In 2009, the US Department of State gave Cruz an International Women of Courage Award.

Q: What is the focus of Cruz's work as a human rights activist?

A: Cruz's focus as a human rights activist is to stop violence against women.

Q: In which country does Cruz work as a human rights activist?

A: Cruz works as a human rights activist in Guatemala.

Q: What is the name of the organization that Cruz heads?

A: Cruz heads the Fundación Sobrevivientes (Survivors' Foundation).

Q: What is Cruz's full name?

A: Cruz's full name is Norma Angélica Cruz Córdoba (Norma Cruz).

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