Norm (mathematics)
This article is about norms in vector spaces, for norms in body theory see norm (body extension), for the norm of an ideal see ideal (ring theory).
In mathematics, a norm (from the Latin norma "guideline") is a mapping that assigns a number to a mathematical object, for example a vector, a matrix, a sequence or a function, that is intended to describe the size of the object in a certain way. The specific meaning of "magnitude" depends on the object under consideration and the norm used; for example, a norm may represent the length of a vector, the largest singular value of a matrix, the variation of a sequence, or the maximum of a function. A norm is symbolized by two vertical lines ‖ left and right of the object.
Formally, a norm is a mapping that associates a non-negative real number with an element of a vector space over the real or complex numbers and has the three properties of definiteness, absolute homogeneity, and subadditivity. A norm may (but need not) be derived from a scalar product. If a norm is assigned to a vector space, one obtains a normed space with important analytic properties, since every norm on a vector space also induces a metric and hence a topology. Two mutually equivalent norms induce the same topology, whereas on finite-dimensional vector spaces all norms are mutually equivalent.
Norms are studied in particular in linear algebra and functional analysis, but they also play an important role in numerical mathematics.
Sets of constant norm (norm spheres) of the maximum norm (cube surface) and the sum norm (octahedron surface) of vectors in three dimensions
Basic Terms
A norm is a mapping ‖ from a vector space over the body of the real or complex numbers into the set of nonnegative real numbers ,
which for all vectors and all scalars αsatisfy the following three axioms:
(1) Definiteness: | , |
(2) absolute homogeneity: | , |
(3) Subadditivity or triangle inequality: | . |
Here denotes the magnitude of the scalar.
This axiomatic definition of the norm was established by Stefan Banach in his 1922 dissertation. The standard symbol used today was first used by Erhard Schmidt in 1908 as the distance ‖ between vectors and
The standard example of a norm is the Euclidean norm of a vector (with origin at zero) in the plane ,
which corresponds to the descriptive length of the vector. For example, the Euclidean norm of the vector equal to . Definiteness then means that if the length of a vector is zero, then it must be the zero vector. Absolute homogeneity says that if each component of a vector is multiplied by a number, its length changes by a factor of the magnitude of that number. Finally, the triangle inequality states that the length of the sum of two vectors is at most as great as the sum of the two lengths.
Basic properties
From the absolute homogeneity, by setting α follows directly
thus the opposite direction of definiteness. Therefore, a vector has norm zero exactly if it is the zero vector. Furthermore, it follows from absolute homogeneity by setting α
and thus ‖ ,
thus symmetry with respect to sign reversal. From the triangle inequality then follows by setting , that a norm is always non-negative, thus
holds. Thus, every vector different from the zero vector has a positive norm. Furthermore, the inverse triangle inequality applies to norms
which can be shown by applying the triangle inequality to and considering symmetry. Thus, every norm is a uniformly continuous mapping. Moreover, due to subadditivity and absolute homogeneity, a norm is a sublinear and thus convex mapping, that is, for all holds
Standard balls
For a given vector and a scalar with is called the set
open or closed norm sphere and the set
norm sphere around with radius . The terms "sphere" and "sphere" are to be seen very generally - for example, a norm sphere can also have corners and edges - and coincide only in the special case of the Euclidean vector norm with the sphere term known from geometry. If one chooses in the definition and , the resulting sets are called unit sphere and unit sphere, respectively. Each norm sphere or norm sphere arises from the corresponding unit sphere or unit sphere by scaling by the factor and translation by the vector . A vector of the unit sphere is called a unit vector; for each vector the corresponding unit vector is obtained by normalizing .
In any case, a norm sphere must be a convex set, otherwise the corresponding mapping would not satisfy the triangle inequality. Furthermore, a norm sphere must always be point symmetric with respect to due to absolute homogeneity. A norm can also be defined in finite-dimensional vector spaces over the associated norm sphere if this set is convex, point-symmetric with respect to the zero point, closed and bounded, and has the zero point in the interior. The corresponding mapping is also called Minkowski functional or gauge functional. Hermann Minkowski investigated such gauge functionals as early as 1896 in the context of number theoretic problems.
Induced norms
→ Main article: Scalar product norm
A norm may, but need not necessarily, be derived from a scalar product ⟨ . The norm of a vector is then defined as.
i.e. the root of the scalar product of the vector with itself. In this case, one speaks of the norm induced by the scalar product or Hilbert norm. Every norm induced by a scalar product satisfies the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality
and is invariant under unitary transformations. According to the Jordan-von Neumann theorem, a norm is induced by a scalar product if and only if it satisfies the parallelogram equation. However, some important norms are not derived from a scalar product; in fact, historically, an essential step in the development of functional analysis was the introduction of norms not based on a scalar product. For every norm, however, there is an associated semi-inner product.
According to the triangle inequality, the length of the sum of two vectors is at most as great as the sum of their lengths; equality holds exactly when the vectors x and y point in the same direction.
Unit sphere (red) and sphere (blue) for the Euclidean norm in two dimensions
Norms on finite dimensional vector spaces
Number standards
Amount standard
→ Main article: Magnitude function
The magnitude of a real number is a simple example of a norm. One obtains the magnitude norm by omitting the sign of the number, i.e.
The magnitude of a complex number is equivalently given by
where is the complex conjugate number to and or denotes the real or imaginary part of the complex number. The magnitude of a complex number thus corresponds to the length of its vector in the Gaussian number plane.
The absolute value norm is derived from the standard scalar product of two real or complex numbers
for or ⟨ for
Vector norms
In the following, real or complex vectors finite dimension considered. A vector (in the strict sense) is then a tuple with entries for . For the following definitions, it does not matter whether the vector is a row vector or a column vector. For all following norms correspond to the magnitude norm of the previous section.
Maximum standard
→ Main article: Maximum standard
The maximum norm, Chebyshev norm or ∞-norm (infinity norm) of a vector is defined as
and corresponds to the magnitude of the largest component of the vector. The unit sphere of the real maximum norm has the shape of a square in two dimensions, the shape of a cube in three dimensions and the shape of a hypercube in general dimensions.
The maximum norm is not induced by a scalar product. The metric derived from it is called the maximum metric, Chebyshev metric, or, especially in two dimensions, the chessboard metric, since it measures the distance corresponding to the number of steps a king must take in chess to move from one square on the chessboard to another. For example, since the king can move diagonally, the distance between the centers of the two diagonally opposite corner squares of a chessboard in the maximum metric is equal to .
The maximum standard is a special case of the product standard
over the product space of normalized vector spaces with and .
Euclidean norm
→ Main article: Euclidean norm
The Euclidean norm or 2-norm of a vector is defined as
and corresponds to the square root of the sum of the magnitude squares of the components of the vector. For real vectors, the magnitude dashes can be omitted in the definition, but not for complex vectors.
The unit sphere of the real Euclidean norm has the shape of a circle in two dimensions, the shape of a spherical surface in three dimensions and the shape of a sphere in general dimensions. In two and three dimensions, the Euclidean norm describes the descriptive length of a vector in the plane and in space, respectively. The Euclidean norm is the only vector norm that is invariant under unitary transformations, for example rotations of the vector around the zero point.
The Euclidean norm is given by the standard scalar product of two real or complex vectors by
induced. A vector space provided with the Euclidean norm is called a Euclidean space. The metric derived from the Euclidean norm is called the Euclidean metric. For example, according to the Pythagorean theorem, the distance between the centers of the two diagonally opposite corner squares of a checkerboard in the Euclidean metric is equal to .
Sum standard
→ Main article: Sum standard
The sum norm, (more precisely) magnitude sum norm, or 1-norm (read: "one-norm") of a vector is defined as.
and corresponds to the sum of the magnitudes of the components of the vector. The unit sphere of the real sum norm has the shape of a square in two dimensions, an octahedron in three dimensions and a cross polytope in general dimensions.
The sum norm is not induced by a scalar product. The metric derived from the sum norm is also called the Manhattan metric or the taxi metric, especially in real two-dimensional space, because it measures the distance between two points like the driving distance on a grid-like city map on which one can only move in vertical and horizontal sections. For example, the distance between the centers of the two diagonally opposite corner squares of a checkerboard in the Manhattan metric is equal to .
p standards
→ Main article: p standard
In general, for real the -norm of a vector can be given by
define. Thus, for one obtains the sum norm, for the Euclidean norm, and as a limit for the maximum norm. In the real case, the unit spheres of -norms take the form of superellipses or subellipses two dimensions, and superellipsoids or subellipsoids in three and higher dimensions.
All -norms including the maximum norm satisfy the Minkowski inequality as well as the Hölder inequality. They are monotonically decreasing for increasing and equivalent to each other. As limiting factors, for
where in the case of the maximum norm the exponent is set to Thus, the -norms differ by at most a factor of . The mappings defined analogously to the -norms for are not norms, since the resulting norm spheres are no longer convex and thus the triangle inequality is violated.
Matrix standards
→ Main article: Matrix standard
In the following, we consider real or complex matrices with rows and columns are considered. For matrix norms, in addition to the three norm properties, sometimes the submultiplicity
with is required as another defining property. If a matrix norm is submultiplicative, then the spectral radius of the matrix (the magnitude of the largest eigenvalue) is at most as large as the norm of the matrix. However, there are matrix norms with the usual norm properties that are not submultiplicative. In most cases, the definition of a matrix norm is based on a vector norm. A matrix norm is called compatible with a vector norm if
for all holds.
Matrix norms over vector norms
By writing all entries of a matrix one below the other, a matrix can also be viewed as a corresponding long vector of . Thus matrix norms can be defined directly over vector norms, in particular over the -norms through
Where are the entries of the matrix. Examples of matrix norms defined in this way are the total norm based on the maximum norm and the Frobenius norm based on the Euclidean norm, both of which are submultiplicative and compatible with the Euclidean norm.
Matrix norms via operator norms
→ Main article: natural matrix norm
A matrix norm is called induced from a vector norm or natural matrix norm if it is derived as an operator norm, that is, if:
Descriptively, a matrix norm defined in this way corresponds to the largest possible stretching factor after applying the matrix to a vector. As operator norms, such matrix norms are always submultiplicative and compatible with the vector norm from which they were derived. In fact, among all matrix norms compatible with a vector norm, an operator norm is the one with the smallest value. Examples of matrix norms defined in this way are the row sum norm based on the maximum norm, the spectral norm based on the Euclidean norm, and the column sum norm based on the sum norm.
Matrix norms over singular values
Another way to derive matrix norms over vector norms is to consider a singular value decomposition of a matrix into a unitary matrix , a diagonal matrix and an adjoint unitary matrix . The nonnegative real entries σ of are then the singular values of and equal to the square roots of the eigenvalues of . The singular values are then combined into a vector σ whose vector norm is considered, i.e.
Examples of matrix norms defined in this way are the shadow norms defined over the -norms of the vector of singular values and the Ky-Fan norms based on the sum of the largest singular values.
absolute norm of a real number
The spectral norm of a 2 × 2 matrix corresponds to the largest stretching of the unit circle by the matrix