Where is Nocera Inferiore located?

Q: Where is Nocera Inferiore located?

A: Nocera Inferiore is located in Campania, Italy, in the province of Salerno, at the foot of Monte Albino.

Q: How far is Nocera Inferiore from Naples?

A: Nocera Inferiore is 20 km east-south-east of Naples by rail.

Q: What is the altitude of Nocera Inferiore above sea level?

A: Nocera Inferiore is 135 ft (41 m) above sea level.

Q: What was the role of Nuceria Alfaterna in the valley of Sarnus?

A: Nuceria Alfaterna appears to have been the chief town in the valley of the Sarnus, with cities like Herculaneum, Pompeii, Stabiae, and Surrentum all being dependent upon it.

Q: Who destroyed Nuceria Alfaterna?

A: Hannibal destroyed Nuceria Alfaterna in 216.

Q: Who were some famous people associated with Nocera Inferiore?

A: The painter Francesco Solimena, and the writers Jacopo Sannazzaro and Domenico Rea, were associated with Nocera Inferiore. Simone Barone and Raffaele De Martino, who are footballers, were also born in Nocera Inferiore. The parents of Italian American Warren Cuccurullo and Mario Cuomo are also from Nocera Inferiore.

Q: Why was the castle of Charles of Durazzo in the news in 1385?

A: In 1385 Pope Urban VI was besieged in the castle of Charles of Durazzo.

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