How many people lived in Niobrara County during the 2010 United States Census?

Q: How many people lived in Niobrara County during the 2010 United States Census?

A: During the 2010 United States Census, 2,484 people lived in Niobrara County.

Q: What is Niobrara County?

A: Niobrara County is a county located in the U.S. state of Wyoming.

Q: What is the county seat of Niobrara County?

A: Lusk is the county seat of Niobrara County.

Q: Which two states does Niobrara County abut?

A: Niobrara County abuts the west lines of the states of Nebraska and South Dakota.

Q: Is Niobrara County located in the United States?

A: Yes, Niobrara County is located in the United States.

Q: What was the population of Niobrara County before the 2010 United States Census?

A: There is no information in the text about the population of Niobrara County before the 2010 United States Census.

Q: How does the eastern boundary of Niobrara County relate to the states of Nebraska and South Dakota?

A: The eastern boundary of Niobrara County abuts the west lines of the states of Nebraska and South Dakota. - 2020 / 2023 - License CC3