What is NGC 6193?
Q: What is NGC 6193?
A: NGC 6193 is an open cluster of 27 stars in the constellation of Ara.
Q: How far away is NGC 6193?
A: NGC 6193 is about 3,765 light-years away.
Q: Can NGC 6193 be seen by the naked eye?
A: Yes, NGC 6193 can be seen by eye from Earth.
Q: Where does NGC 6193 lie?
A: NGC 6193 lies at the centre of the Ara OB1 association.
Q: What does NGC 6193 radiate energy to?
A: NGC 6193 radiates energy to the nearby regions of the nebulosity NGC 6188.
Q: What is at the centre of NGC 6193?
A: At the centre of NGC 6193 are two O class multiple star systems within 10" of each other, and a probable binary B0 giant.
Q: How bright and massive are the stars in NGC 6193?
A: There are four stars which are each 36 to 63 times more massive than the Sun, 6 to ten times hotter, and each is more than 10,000 times as bright (luminosity) as the Sun.