Where is Neuwied located?

Q: Where is Neuwied located?

A: Neuwied is located in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.

Q: What is the position of Neuwied with respect to the Rhine River?

A: Neuwied is on the north/west side of the Rhine River.

Q: How far is Neuwied from Koblenz?

A: Neuwied is about 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) northwest from Koblenz.

Q: How many people live in Neuwied?

A: About 70,000 people live in Neuwied.

Q: Is Neuwied a town or a city?

A: Neuwied is a town.

Q: What country is Neuwied located in?

A: Neuwied is located in Germany.

Q: What German state is Neuwied located in?

A: Neuwied is located in Rhineland-Palatinate.

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