Where is Nérac located?

Q: Where is Nérac located?

A: Nérac is located in Nouvelle-Aquitaine in south-western France.

Q: What is the administrative status of Nérac?

A: Nérac is a commune, sub-prefecture of the Lot-et-Garonne department, capital of the arrondissement of Nérac and Canton of L'Albret.

Q: What language is spoken in Nérac?

A: The language spoken in Nérac is Occitan (Nerac).

Q: How many departments does Nouvelle-Aquitaine have?

A: Nouvelle-Aquitaine has 12 departments.

Q: What type of government does France have?

A: France has a unitary semi-presidential republic as its form of government.

Q: Who is the current president of France?

A: The current president of France is Emmanuel Macron.

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