What is atheism?
Q: What is atheism?
A: Atheism is the rejection of belief in a god or gods.
Q: How does atheism differ from theism?
A: Theism is the belief that at least one god exists, while atheism rejects this belief.
Q: What do you call someone who rejects belief in gods?
A: Someone who rejects belief in gods is called an atheist.
Q: How does agnosticism relate to atheism and theism?
A: Agnostics say that there is no way to know whether gods exist or not, so it differs from both atheism and theism. Some agnostics are atheists, while others are theists.
Q: What is gnosticism?
A: Gnosticism refers to a claim of knowledge - a gnostic has sufficient knowledge to make a claim. Adding an "a", meaning "without", before the word gnostic results in agnostic, or literally, "without knowledge".
Q: How does gnosticism differ from theism? A: While theism refers to belief in one or more gods, gnosticism refers to knowledge.