Where is Aswan located?

Q: Where is Aswan located?

A: Aswan is a city located in the south of Egypt.

Q: What is the population of Aswan?

A: Aswan has a population of 200,000.

Q: Which bank of the Nile is Aswan located on?

A: Aswan is located on the east bank of the Nile.

Q: What is Aswan known for?

A: Aswan is known for being a busy market and tourist center.

Q: Is Aswan a dry place to live in?

A: Yes, Aswan is one of the driest places in the world where people live.

Q: When was the last rainfall in Aswan?

A: The last rainfall in Aswan was a thunderstorm on May 13, 2006, as of October 13, 2007.

Q: What is interesting about the roofs of houses in Nubian settlements?

A: In Nubian settlements, the people often do not put a roof over all of the rooms in their houses.

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