What is the National Film Development Corporation of India?

Q: What is the National Film Development Corporation of India?

A: The National Film Development Corporation of India is the central agency established to encourage the good cinema movement in the country.

Q: What is the primary goal of the NFDC?

A: The primary goal of the NFDC is to plan, promote and organize an integrated and efficient development of the Indian film industry and foster excellence in cinema.

Q: What services has the NFDC provided over the years?

A: Over the years, the NFDC has provided a wide range of services essential to the growth of Indian cinema.

Q: How many films has the NFDC produced/funded so far?

A: The NFDC (and its predecessor the Film Finance Corporation) has so far funded/produced over 300 films.

Q: In which Indian languages have the NFDC-funded films been produced?

A: The NFDC-funded films have been produced in various Indian languages.

Q: Have the NFDC-funded films been well-received?

A: Yes, the NFDC-funded films have been widely acclaimed and have won many national and international awards.

Q: What is the aim of the good cinema movement in India?

A: The aim of the good cinema movement in India is to promote quality and meaningful films that entertain, educate and inspire audiences.

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