Where is Nathia Gali located?
Q: Where is Nathia Gali located?
A: Nathia Gali is located in the Galyat area of Pakistan.
Q: What kind of town is Nathia Gali?
A: Nathia Gali is a mountain holiday town.
Q: What language is spoken in Nathia Gali?
A: The language spoken in Nathia Gali is Urdu.
Q: What is the main tribe of Nathia Gali?
A: The main tribe of Nathia Gali is the Karlal.
Q: How popular is Nathia Gali among tourists?
A: Nathia Gali is one of the most popular tourist areas of the Murree Hills.
Q: What kind of facilities does Nathia Gali have?
A: Nathia Gali has fairly good facilities.
Q: Where is Nathia Gali located in relation to Murree and Abbottabad?
A: Nathia Gali is on the road from Murree to Abbottabad lying midway between the two.