What is Nanuqsaurus?
Q: What is Nanuqsaurus?
A: Nanuqsaurus is a genus of theropod dinosaur.
Q: How is Nanuqsaurus related to polar bears?
A: Nanuqsaurus means 'polar bear lizard' but it is not related to polar bears in any way.
Q: What is the size of Nanuqsaurus as compared to Tyrannosaurus?
A: Nanuqsaurus is half the size of Tyrannosaurus.
Q: What is the length of Nanuqsaurus?
A: Nanuqsaurus may have grown up to 6 meters or about 20 feet long.
Q: What is DMNH 21461?
A: DMNH 21461 is a partial skull roof fossil of Nanuqsaurus found in Alaska.
Q: How big would the skull of Nanuqsaurus have been when complete?
A: The skull of Nanuqsaurus would have been about 50 cm or 1.65 feet when complete.
Q: Is there any other evidence of Nanuqsaurus besides DMNH 21461?
A: No, presently there is only one specimen of Nanuqsaurus known, i.e., DMNH 21461.