What are the coordinates of Nampula?
Q: What are the coordinates of Nampula?
A: The coordinates of Nampula are 15°15′S 39°30′E.
Q: Where is Nampula located?
A: Nampula is a province located in northern Mozambique.
Q: What is the capital city of Nampula?
A: The capital city of Nampula is also named Nampula.
Q: What is Ilha de Moçambique?
A: Ilha de Moçambique is an island that is part of the Nampula province in Mozambique. It is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Q: What forms the northern border of the Nampula province?
A: The Lúrio River forms the northern border of the Nampula province.
Q: What are some of the mountains in the Nampula province?
A: Some of the mountains in the Nampula province include Mount Inago (1804 meters), Mount Ribaue, Mount Panda, and Mount Nairucu.
Q: What is the elevation of Mount Inago?
A: The elevation of Mount Inago is 1804 meters.