What are some words for small numbers in English numerals?
Q: What are some words for small numbers in English numerals?
A: Some words for small numbers are twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty, and thirty-one.
Q: What should you use when writing other numbers between 21 and 99?
A: You should use a hyphen, like a minus sign (-), when writing other numbers between 21 and 99.
Q: Are there any irregular words for small numbers?
A: Yes, there are. Words in bold are irregular.
Q: How is the number 100 written in English numerals?
A: The number 100 is written as "one hundred" in English numerals.
Q: Can people say "a hundred" instead of "one hundred"?
A: Yes, sometimes people can say "a hundred" instead of "one hundred".
Q: Does the way numbers are written and spoken differ between American English and other forms of English?
A: Yes, the way numbers are written and spoken differs between American English and other forms of English, such as British English and Australian English.
Q: What are some examples of two-digit numbers in English numerals?
A: Some examples of two-digit numbers in English numerals are sixty-four, sixty-five, sixty-six, ninety-eight, and ninety-nine.